Brooklands Zoo is a MPI (Ministry of Primary Industries) approved facility. We get audited from MPI on a regular basis and keep them updated on what’s happening within the zoo for our exotic animals. This also involves complying with their set regulations and procedures for our facility.
Brooklands Zoo is a full institutional member as well as an accredited member of the Zoo and Aquarium Association (ZAA), which means we have been recognised for meeting positive animal welfare outcomes.
The ZAA is the peak body representing the zoo and aquarium community throughout Australasia.
The Association acts as a peak body for Australasian zoos and aquariums to work together to save wildlife.
The Association coordinates animal breeding programs and sets the level of professional standards and practice for its members. It also provides general support and advice where required to its members and governments on a range of issues such as biosecurity, wildlife disease and species knowledge.
The Association is a member of the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA), where we are able to collaborate with other zoos and aquariums linked through the WAZA network. Collectively we seek to contribute to conservation science, animal husbandry and animal welfare.
The ZAA accreditation programme is designed for all ZAA members with a focus on positive animal welfare. Rather than simply ensuring that animals do not experience bad effects on their welfare, this programme goes a step further by focusing on delivering positive welfare outcomes based on five welfare domains: nutrition, environment, health, behaviour and mental affective state.
ZAA member institutions are assessed every three years with accreditation based on a principle of ongoing development and better practice. This means the criteria for assessment will be refined for each cycle to make sure that new understandings about animal welfare can be included. Brooklands Zoo staff are proud to be confirmed as meeting this high standard of care.
A lot of work is involved in ensuring that ZAA is kept up to date on each of Brooklands Zoo’s exotic animals. Every animal is issued a name and identification number (along with many of our animals also being micro chipped).
Daily records are kept for each animal. This includes animal observations, sickness, treatments, matings, interactions, containment observations and enrichment. Keepers enter this information onto a specialised ‘animal record keeping’ global database.
Brooklands Zoo works closely with fully qualified veterinarians for health and dietary advice on our animals and to help maintain regular health checks. Part of a keepers’ daily duties involve checking the health of each individual animal throughout the day. Preventative health practices are also followed such as preventative treatments ie. routine worming of animals.
ZAA also require best practice standards are followed for the care of animals housed in their approved facilities.