Group visits are welcome at Brooklands Zoo. If you wish to bring a school group or any sort of large group for a visit we need to book you in and avoid too many group visits on one day as the zoo can quickly become congested with people. You can also book in a short keeper talk for your group.
We offer short educational keeper talks at 12pm and 2pm in the weekends and during school holidays. This is strictly a pre-book only service and subject to staff availability. Talks are for groups of no larger than 30 people per keeper.
**NOTE: during Covid-19 traffic light levels of Orange and Red, keeper talks are not available.
If your group is bringing pre-prepared food please remember that there is limited seating areas. Feeding of any of the zoo animals; including picking flowers or plants, is strictly prohibited. All the zoo animals are fed well balanced specialist diets and feeding them any other types of food can be very harmful to their health. There is a drinking fountain at the zoo.