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State of local emergency (1)

For up to date information and advice, visit Taranaki Emergency Management

For urgent flooding issues (buildings and infrastructure) phone 06 759 6060 or report a problem online.

For information on disruptions to our sites and facilities please, visit Public Notices.

Karāti whakahaere rauemi mō te tautoko ngā Iwi me ngā Hapū

Resource Management Support Grant For Iwi and Hapū

The purpose of this fund is to enable iwi and hapū to purchase a range of professional services (up to the value of $5,000) to facilitate their participation in resource consent processes and applications in the New Plymouth District and matters relating to private plan changes to the New Plymouth District Plan.

Eligible services

Services must relate to resource consent processes or applications, or private plan change processes, where the New Plymouth District Council is the consenting authority. A range of services are eligible for application under this scheme and can be purchased in the following areas:

Independent advice and professional services and reports including, but not limited to:

  • planning
  • legal
  • specific technical assessments (i.e.: engineering, landscape, noise)
  • cultural services and advice
  • valuation services
  • monitoring and scientific services.


Ineligible services

The fund is not able to be utilised for the following services:

  • ongoing physical environmental monitoring
  • purchase of equipment or machinery
  • enforcement or compliance matters
  • project costs prior to the lodging of a resource consent application or private plan change
  • costs incurred in preparation of a resource consent application or private plan change
  • debt services.


Applications are received at any time of the year.

To apply for this grant, you must speak to the Iwi Liaison Lead or Planning Lead first and they will direct you to the application form. Please call 06 759 6060 or email