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The New Plymouth District Council (Waitara Lands) Act 2018 established the Te Tai Pari Trust. The purpose of the Trust is to distribute the annual release from the Waitara Perpetual Community Fund for each financial year.
NPDC and Te Kōwhatu Tū Moana (TKTM) each select three board members and an alternate. Each member holds office for a term not exceeding three years.
The current members of Te Tai Pari Trust are:
Having contributed to development on the Council’s investment policy for the Waitara Perpetual Community Fund, the purpose of the trust is to determine distributions from the annual release from the Fund. The initial amounts for distribution will be quite small, but over time is expected to be over $1m each financial year.
The Act sets limitations on Te Tai Pari Trust appointees. A person cannot be appointed a member if they:
(i) competence to manage his or her own affairs in relation to his or her property; or
(ii) capacity to make or to communicate decisions relating to any particular aspect or aspects of his or her personal care and welfare:
The Trust meet on an as required basis.
Te Tai Pari Trust members receive remuneration for their services. Remuneration and board expenses are paid from the Waitara services. Remuneration and board expenses are paid from the Waitara Perpetual Community Fund.
New Plymouth District Council and Te Kowhatu Tu Moana have approved the Te Tari Trust Terms of Reference. These were finalised in July 2020.
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Page last updated: 10:31pm Mon 29 August 2022