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Rautaki matua a tāone pokapū

City Centre Strategy


In June 2015 the Council approved the Blueprint which identified eight key directions.  One of these key directions relates specifically to the city centre:

Central City – Champion a thriving central city for all. 

The central city of New Plymouth is the social, cultural and business hub for the district and the wider region. However, retail in the central city is facing a challenging transition in the face of new format retail experiences and online retail sales. The central area will need to deliver a diversity of speciality retail, entertainment, cultural and social experiences. The Council has a role in working with business and other stakeholders to develop a strategic approach to drive the success of the central business area.

Since 2015, the Council has taken steps to try and ensure the city centre remains a hub of activity and vibrancy through renewals and the appointment of a Central City Facilitator.  A CBD Summit was held in 2019 which captured ideas from a wide cross-section of stakeholders in the city which has gone on to inform and act as a starting platform for the development of the City Centre Strategy that is currently being developed.  

Over the next few months, NPDC will be seeking input from various stakeholder groups and the wider public to co-create a strategy that will drive transformation and achieve the Council’s vision of a thriving Central City.

Have your say…

We really would love to hear what you think about the city centre, and will have opportunities for you to share your ideas and feedback available soon. Alternatively you can contact our strategy development team on