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Consultation on the Dog Control Policy and the Dog Control Bylaw

Status:  Closed

Submissions closed: 5pm Tuesday 14 December 2021

The Council is reviewing the Dog Control Policy and the Bylaw 2010: Part 2 Dog Control in accordance with the Dog Control Act 1996 and the Local Government Act 2002.

The Council has taken the review as an opportunity to revisit the previous approach and is proposing changes to the policy and bylaw to better address dog control within the district.

Many of the current regulations controlling dogs are retained with additional regulations proposed to better address the perceived problems that arise in relation to dogs within the district. Some of the key changes proposed include protection of wildlife, changes to the daylight saving prohibitions at popular beaches, leashed control dogs at cemeteries and leashed control dogs in the New Plymouth Central Business Area (CBA).

See the Statement of Proposal for more detail on the above, and other proposed changes to the policy and bylaw.

Statement of Proposal

Note: The reference to Onaero Beach in the Statement of Proposal and Submission form refers only to Onaero Domain and adjoining beach as the area rules in Appendix 1 of the proposed Dog Control Bylaw, and not to the foreshore at the end of Onaero Beach Road.


Trial of leashed control for dogs in the New Plymouth Central Business Area (CBA)

Dogs are currently prohibited from the CBA. The proposed Dog Control Bylaw proposes to remove this prohibition and allow dogs (excluding dangerous and menacing dogs) in the CBA under leashed control. Dogs classified as menacing or dangerous would remain prohibited from the CBA.

A trial allowing dogs (excluding dangerous and menacing dogs) under leashed control in the CBA will be carried out from 13 November to 12 December to inform the proposed Dog Control Policy and Dog Control Bylaw. 

Note: The reference to Onaero Beach in the Statement of Proposal and Submission form refers only to Onaero Domain and adjoining beach as the area rules in Appendix 1 of the proposed Dog Control Bylaw, and not to the foreshore at the end of Onaero Beach Road.

For information on the report to the Council on the review of the Dog Control Policy and Dog Control Bylaw, please see agenda item 3 here.