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Safer speeds review

Status: Closed.

No-one should die on our district’s roads, but deaths and serious injuries have been trending upward in the last 10 years. Safer speeds means your mum, your sister, your mate are more likely to get home safely.

For the last two years, NPDC has held two in-depth engagements with local residents about safer speeds on our rural and urban roads. That feedback has helped us prepare this Interim Speed Management Plan with the aim of making our roads safer for all road users.

The full implementation of the plan will see a reduction in 90 deaths and serious injuries over the next 10 years.

Please see the interactive map below to see how speeds on your roads would change under phase one (2022-24) of this plan. You can also send in a submission, which will be considered by the Council as part of its deliberations on the interim plan.

Cars in CBD

This map shows the proposed safer speed changes during phase one of the Interim Speed Management Plan (2022-24). This phase focuses on speeds outside urban and rural schools, and on 50% of rural district roads.

Please click on a coloured section of road to bring up details of the proposed safer speed.