State of local emergency (1)
For up to date information and advice, visit Taranaki Emergency Management
For urgent flooding issues (buildings and infrastructure) phone 06 759 6060 or report a problem online.
For information on disruptions to our sites and facilities please, visit Public Notices.
Status: Open
Feedback closes: Thursday 15 July
The Tukapa Street area is an important part of New Plymouth with unique values.
NPDC is reviewing residents’ safety and accessibility along and across Tukapa Street, and how this area can better benefit its community.
This starts with a conversation with you.
Please share your experiences and your ideas through our feedback form or attend one of our open days:
Both open days will be held in the Westown Primary School hall, Sanders Avenue, Westown.
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Page last updated: 02:33pm Mon 21 August 2023