State of local emergency (1)
For up to date information and advice, visit Taranaki Emergency Management
For urgent flooding issues (buildings and infrastructure) phone 06 759 6060 or report a problem online.
For information on disruptions to our sites and facilities please, visit Public Notices.
We publicly consult on a variety of issues every year.
Read the current consultations and have your say in the future of your community. You can also contact us at any time with comments on any issue, whether they are part of a formal consultation or not.
There is a 20-working day period following public notification for written submissions to be sent to us. A submission can support, object, or be a mixture of both, to parts of or the entire proposal.
The Resource Management Act (RMA) requires that a submission must be in writing and must contain the following information:
Send your submission to us and a copy to the applicant. We will formally acknowledge receipt of your submission. You may then be invited to participate in a pre-hearing meeting.
Tips for writing submissions:
When the period for making submissions is finished a date is set for a pre-hearing or hearing meeting.
Objections to an alcohol licence application must be lodged within 15 working days of the public notice announcing the application.
They can be posted or emailed to:
District Licensing Committee
Private Bag 2025
New Plymouth 4342
Your letter of objection must include:
* You have 'greater interest' if you are likely to be more directly affected by the licence than most other people. For example, a nearby resident or adjacent business.
Section 105 specifies matters objections can be made in relation to. You must make specific reference to at least one of these in your letter:
The Act defines good order and amenity as 'pleasant and agreeable'. Section 106 can help explain what good order and amenity covers.
Please use this form if you would like to make a submission regarding a temporary road closure.
Have your say on our latest Plan Changes for the District Plan.
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Page last updated: 10:10am Thu 14 July 2022