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Te Ture Whenua o Waitara 2018

Waitara Lands Act 2018

The Waitara Lands Act was passed in December 2018 and it came into force on 17 March 2019

In March 2019, NPDC signed an agreement with Te Atiawa hapū Manukorihi and Otaraua at Ōwae marae detailing how we will work together to manage the proceeds of the sale of Waitara endowment land.

Under the New Plymouth District Council (Waitara Lands) Act 2018 (the Act), 770 leasehold sections can be purchased by occupiers, with the revenue from sales to be used to:

  • establish a Hapū Land Fund, with decisions on its use made by Te Kōwhatu Tū Moana Trust, which will manage and administer the interests of Manukorihi and Otaraua hapū
  • establish a Waitara Perpetual Community Fund to help support community projects in Waitara, with NPDC and the Te Kōwhatu Tū Moana Trust each appointing three board members to establish the Te Tai Pari Trust (formerly the Waitara Perpetual Community Fund Board); and
  • support Waitara River and environmental projects, to be managed by iwi and hapū with interests in the river, and the Taranaki Regional Council.

Many properties have already been purchased by leaseholders. In the future, NPDC and Te Kōwhatu Tū Moana will look to progress the co-management and administration arrangements for the reserve lands listed in the Act (section 20 of the Act refers)


Te Tai Pari Trust

Te Tai Pari Trust oversees the Waitara Perpetual Community Fund and how it is used to support community projects. The representatives on the Trust come from Te Kōwhatu Tū Moana Trust and NPDC.

Find out more

Waitara quay