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Paerewa Whakawhanake Whenua me te Wahanga Hanga-Whaahanga (Whakatikatika-a-Rohe Putanga 3);

Land Development and Subdivision Infrastructure Standard (Local Amendments Version 3);

Status: The Land Development and Subdivision Infrastructure Standard (Local Amendments Version 3) Based on NZS4404:2010 was adopted by Council 13 August 2019.

The adopted Land Development and Subdivision Infrastructure Standard sets out the minimum standards of technical performance and quality for the subdivision and development of land and infrastructure.

This is the key technical standard that is applied when new infrastructure assets are constructed and existing infrastructure assets are upgraded. As the Council's adopted standard it is applied through the New Plymouth District Plan . This standard has been developed for use in the New Plymouth District, South Taranaki and Stratford districts as a result of a series of workshops with industry professionals.

NZS4404:2010 has been developed at a national level and first adapted at a local level in 2013 in order to best apply to our local context. The local amendments to the standard were recently updated in order to maintain industry best practise, meet technological advancements and to comply with other evolving national and international standards. 

In conjunction with NPDC’s District Plan and bylaws, the standard provides the Council, developers, and their professional advisors with standards for design and construction of land development and subdivision infrastructure such as earthworks, roads, pipework and landscaping. The overarching principle of the standard is to encourage sustainable development and modern design outcomes that emphasise liveability and environmental quality. 

The Council holds a copyright agreement with Standards NZ. This agreement controls the copying and distribution of the document. Please contact Standards NZ for a full copy of the base NZS4404:2010 standard.

An electronic version of the Land Development and Subdivision Infrastructure Standard (Local Amendments Version 3) is available below in accordance with Standards NZ licence agreement. The electronic version is not for printing.

If you would like to purchase a hardcopy of the Land Development and Subdivision Infrastructure Standard (Local Amendments Version 3)  with the most recent local amendments embedded within please email The cost is $230 inclusive of GST.

A summary of the key recent local amendments can be found below: 

  1. The road types have been modified to better accommodate trenched services, street trees, parking bays and stormwater treatment.
  2. Mechanistic design methods (more in depth design and construction processes) are now required for all road types in order to increase durability.
  3. All new urban local roads are to be constructed with asphaltic concrete of a thickness that is fit for purpose as they are harder wearing, smoother, result in less vehicle noise and have a reduced whole of life cost.
  4. Recently updated NIWA rainfall data is to be used. This requires stormwater assets that are future proofed based on climate change outcomes and associated rainfall predictions.
  5. Stormwater shall be directed to on-site soakage, such as soakpits, vegetated swales, soakage basins, rainwater tanks, etc. Connection to the Council's stormwater network will only be permitted where no on-site options are available and there is sufficient capacity available in the local public network.
  6. Every new lot will require its own connection to the Council's sewer network. This is to address the issues experienced to date whereby common private sewer connections cost Council time and money when resolving blockages and disputes amongst multiple owners of pipework.

    For more information about subdividing you might like to visit our Subdividing Land page


Land Development and Subdivision Infrastructure Standard (Local Amendments version 3)

Land Development and Subdivision Infrastructure Standard - List of Amendments