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General introduction and context as to why this page exists...
The Catchment Management Plans aim to capture the history, current state, where the challenges are, and identify opportunities to address these challenges for each of the 13 New Plymouth Urban Stormwater Catchments. It is primarily focused on stormwater but also considers the wastewater network in terms of Inflow and Infiltration and resultant wastewater overflows due to the inextricable links between the two.
The plans cover urban areas and the tributaries that feed into them. They don't cover wider awa (river) catchments that extent into rural areas or up the Mounga, as these are the responsibility of the Taranaki Regional Council.
The stormwater activity within the New Plymouth District is governed by the strategic framework co-created by NPDC and iwi and hapu and captured in the Stormwater Vision and Roadmap. For more information on this process and its outcomes refer to the Stormwater Vision and Roadmap . The Stormwater Vision provides an overarching aim for environmental outcomes relating to freshwater over time:
" Vision: to protect and enhance the mauri of wai/life force of water where our streams and waterbodies:
Are healthy and flow naturally with clean, fresh water,
Are alive with abundant indigenous species,
Support the health of the community. "
CMPs are presented in three sections:
The information in the CMPs is supported by geospatial data. This means that most sections have interactive maps that will help the reader understand the content and find what they are looking for in an interactive and visual way.
The remainder of the catchments will be planned for within the next ten years, as per the Roadmap.
The order for delivery of CMPs is as follows; this order is based on a collaborative ranking process undertaken as part of the Vision and Roadmap creation and it considers a multicriteria analysis and some key modifying factors that triggered the prioritization of some of the catchments.
1. Waitara (completed in 2024)
2. Bell Block.
3. Inglewood.
4. Te Henui.
5. Waiwhakaiho.
6. Huatoki.
7. Urenui and Onaero.
8. Port.
9. Mangaotuku.
10. Egmont Village.
11. Ōākura.
12. Ōkato.
13. Lepperton
These are CMPs for the New Plymouth District. Explore them in the links below.
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Page last updated: 05:45pm Tue 02 April 2024