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Riding is a healthy, fun and economical way to get around.

Learn to ride

If you are new to riding or just want a short refresher, Let's Go can arrange a riding skills session to suit your needs. This is best done in small groups. 

The Let’s Go Cyclist Skills Training is an in-school programme for primary and intermediate students (years 5-8) delivered using the national BikeReady guidelines. We also offer Let’s Get Going Cyclist Skills Training - fun skills for under fives.

Keep an eye on the Hello NP Facebook page to keep you up to date with all of our biking events.

You can also contact us for information on any of our programmes or events.

Learn to Ride

Where should I start?

Man leaving the house on a bike
Person riding a bike on a walkway
Man with backpack cover high fiving child
Cyclist in cycle lane waving at driver
Bike Pod
Cycling retailers

Where to bike

There’s no end to the excursions and adventures to be had when heading off-road. Check out some good places to ride.

Child on a bike at Highlands Intermediate bike track

Bike skills tracks

Across the New Plymouth district there are a growing number of bike skills tracks at local schools.

Bike rack

Bike rack map

We have bike racks all over the city where you can park your bike. Find out the best one for you.

Bus and ride

Did you know that you can enjoy the ride downhill into work and avoid the uphill heading home? All of our urban bus services are sporting a bike carrier on the front.

Find out more

Report broken glass

To ensure our district is cycle friendly, we need to know of hazards like broken glass. Report hazards and remember to include the address or a clear description of where the glass or debris is.

Report an issue

Report a crash or near miss

Information about crashes or near-misses helps us and the Police to determine if there are particular areas that are accident prone and if changes need to be made to reduce the risk of accidents (e.g., signage, road surface etc).

All crashes, including near misses, should be reported to the Police.

NZ Police