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State of local emergency (1)

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Te ara hīkoi o Waiwhakaiho

Waiwhakaiho Walkway

The Waiwhakaiho Walkway follows the Waiwhakaiho River from suburb of Merrilands to Fitzroy, close to the Coastal Walkway.

Walk details

Grade: Easy
Distance: 1.9km one way



The Waiwhakaiho Walkway links Merrilands to the Coastal Walkway. It follows the Waiwhakaiho River, passing through the Rimu Street business area and ending at the netball courts. From here it is a short walk through Fitzroy to the Coastal Walkway.

You can access the Walkway from Riversdale Drive, Rimu Street, Devon Road and Raiomiti Street. On-street parking is available at most access points. 

Road user rules apply on our walkways so cyclists must wear helmets.


Waiwhakaiho Walkway