State of local emergency (1)
For up to date information and advice, visit Taranaki Emergency Management
For urgent flooding issues (buildings and infrastructure) phone 06 759 6060 or report a problem online.
For information on disruptions to our sites and facilities please, visit Public Notices.
Heritage items are those places or things that are significant to us because of their links to the past
Natural heritage relates to those areas of the natural environment that provide a link to the past or have important ecological value. Cultural heritage relates to man-made objects that give us a sense of our cultural identity.
Within the New Plymouth District, natural heritage includes notable trees and areas of significant indigenous vegetation and habitats. Cultural heritage consists of items such as buildings, structures and areas, and archaeological and waahi tapu sites.
Threats to heritage items include demolition, neglect, development, inappropriate alterations, high cost maintenance and lack of an economic use.
Category A: Buildings, items and areas of great cultural heritage value.
Category B: Buildings, items and areas of considerable heritage value.
Category C: Buildings, items and areas of some heritage value.
Retention of heritage values is encouraged through eligibility for contestable funding from the Council’s Built, Cultural and Natural Heritage Protection Fund.
The criteria used to determine the heritage value of a building, item, or area, are:
Only category A buildings, items and areas are subject to heritage related rules in the New Plymouth District Plan. Category B’s and C’s are not regulated.
The exterior of all category A buildings and items is protected. Work to the same design and using similar materials is permitted. Work that is not in character will require resource consent.
Demolition or removal, and subdivision of land with a category A building or item on it will require resource consent.
A specific rule applies to the erection of buildings on the same site as the following buildings:
Specific parts of the interiors of these buildings are protected:
You should consult with a Council planner if you intend to carry out work on a category A building, item or area.
Appendix 8: Heritage buildings and items
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Page last updated: 01:56pm Mon 25 October 2021