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Pukekura Park is one of New Plymouth’s major attractions for visitors and is beloved by locals as a place for recreation and connecting to the natural environment. It is envisioned that the enhancement of Liardet Street will encourage people to walk and cycle from the park to the city. It will be a backbone of pedestrian movement for people using the park for events, sports (including the proposed sports hub) and recreation. A well-designated pedestrian link will help draw Pukekura Park and Bowl of Brooklands visitors and users into the city to add vibrancy and activity.
An upgrade to Liardet Street as a green link will mean targeted and deliberate moves to support greening of the city, improving accessibility, wayfinding, safety and pedestrian prioritisation, along with a shift to active modes of transport. A direct connection to Pukekura Park and the coast via the city centre is currently missing due to barriers such as Vivian and Powderham streets, crossing points and inconsistent footpath quality that are holding back the potential of Liardet Street to become a popular walking and cycling link.
Various crossing point upgrades, footpath widening, street-tree planting and wayfinding initiatives along Liardet Street will support it as an important link. Recommended upgrades include:
Identify early-win crossing point upgrades along the length of Liardet Street and undertake upgrades in the short term.
Work with service providers and potential sponsors to provide power supply points to support festival lights.
Work with partners and collaborators to prepare a conceptual Masterplan for Liardet Street that can be rolled out in stages that align with other projects such as the Coastal Boulevard and the potential moving of the bus terminal.
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Page last updated: 09:10am Wed 10 November 2021