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Daylighting the Huatoki under and along the Metro Plaza site will need to occur alongside the design and construction programme for redevelopment on adjacent sites. Integration between these aspects is fundamental. Other changes that can also be considered in support of this project are: the interface between this site and the Downtown Car Park, desire for connecting at stream level between this site and Sir Victor Davies Park (under Powderham Street), and a new pedestrian connection across Devon Street that traces and reinforces the Huatoki alignment across to the Plaza.
Successful use of the day-lit portion of the Huatoki by the general public relies on adjacent sites to positively open up to face the awa and engage with the open space. One of these sites is currently occupied by the Council owned Downtown car parking building.
The Downtown car park building is earthquake prone and investigations regarding the buildings future are underway. As alternative areas are identified for the city’s car parking needs (the four corners approach), the strategy anticipates significant opportunity for this site. Removal of the building and any site redevelopment provides significant opportunities to soften the edge with the awa. However, if removal is not feasible then focus will be on improving the façade and the relationship to the awa. This may be in the form of an artwork, green wall, new architectural facade or similar.
Set strong project specific goals and principles for the daylighting portion of the Huatoki in partnership with Ngati Te Whiti. This must happen prior to any discussion with adjacent landowners to ensure an awa (river/stream)-centric approach.
Tie in any adjacent site planning in tandem with the wider Huatoki corridor masterplan and set clear design guidance and specifications that adjacent building developments need to meet when developing their sites.
Daylighting construction should be aligned to pre-empt and support neighbouring development investment.
Begin dialogue with adjacent landowners and identify development opportunities, edge activation and upgrades that can enhance the daylighting project while holding the awa as the most significant stakeholder.
NPDC and Ngāti Te Whiti to undertake detailed design of the daylighting. Any future or concurrent development from adjacent landowners should tie into the daylighting project but not rely upon any stream or stream bank space to enable their developments.
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Page last updated: 08:09am Tue 30 November 2021