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State of local emergency (1)

For up to date information and advice, visit Taranaki Emergency Management

For urgent flooding issues (buildings and infrastructure) phone 06 759 6060 or report a problem online.

For information on disruptions to our sites and facilities please, visit Public Notices.

Kakapinga o ngā kōrere wai o Inglewood (Kōhanga Moa)

Inglewood water pipes replacement

We are investing in our water network to increase our security of supply. The first project is the replacement of nearly half of Inglewood's pipes over three years.

Project overview


Phase one: The first phase of the work replaced several old pipes in the Inglewood urban area and installed new pipes between the town and its reservoirs. 

Phase two: We have finished installing flow meters at the water treatment plant.

In summer 2020/21 the old water pipe between the town and the reservoirs will be decommissioned.

Phase three: We've begun replacing old pipes in the northern part of the town. Residents and businesses will be contacted by letter before work begins on their street.

When a new pipe is connected to the network there will be a short water shutdown in the area, lasting usually a few hours. We'll advise affected householders about the date and time of a shutdown before it happens. We recommend that people have a supply of bottled water on hand to tide them over during the shutdowns.

You may see roads that have temporary hotmix seals on them once a pipe has been replaced. More work is still to be done at those sites, such as putting in new connections; once all the work is finished, a permanent and tidy chip seal will be laid down. 

inglewood drinking water
inglewood water work
inglewood water work

This month we're working on:

  • Finishing the work at Pokaka Place, Puriri St
  • Carrying working at Konini Rd, Karaka St, Kahikatea St
  • Starting works at Rimu St and Richmond St

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