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State of local emergency (1)

For up to date information and advice, visit Taranaki Emergency Management

For urgent flooding issues (buildings and infrastructure) phone 06 759 6060 or report a problem online.

For information on disruptions to our sites and facilities please, visit Public Notices.

Rēhitatanga kurī

Dog registrations

Under section 42 of the Dog Control Act 1996:

  • all dogs over the age of three months must be registered
  • it is an offence to keep a dog older than three months which is unregistered
  • you could be liable to an infringement fine of $300 or on conviction a court may impose a fine of up to $3,000 for failure to register your dog(s)
  • if any dog over the age of three months is found not wearing a current registration tag on land or premises other than its owner’s land or premises, or in any public place, the dog may be seized and impounded.

The dog registration form has more details about:

  • registration requirements and the obligations of dog owners
  • control of dogs
  • change of ownership
  • microchipping
  • payment, rebates and refunds
  • select dog owners.

An application fee is required to be paid at the time of submitting the dog registration.

Dog registration forms can be returned to any of our service centres or emailed to

Dog registration form


  • PDF 138KB Open file
  • PDF 160KB Open file
  • PDF 129KB Open file
  • PDF 109KB Open file
Registration fees
Residential dog registration 2022/23
Urban dog - non-select owner   $163.50
Urban dog - select owner (with entire dog) $130.00
Urban dog - select owner (with neutered/spayed dog) $85.00
Urban dog - select owner (pensioner/neutered/spayed dog)  $80.00
Rural dog registration 2022/23
Full fee (payable for the first two dogs kept by the same owner) $60.00
per dog 
Reduced fee (payable for the third and subsequent dogs kept by the same owner) $30.00
per dog

Penalty/late fees apply (after 1 August 2022), please see 'Penalty for late registrations' heading below for more details. 

An urban dog is any dog on a property that has a rating code of one or two.

A rural dog is any dog on a property that has a rating code* of three or four or other approved rural property. (*Rating code three: small holdings 1ha to 4ha. Rating code four: farmland greater than 4ha.)

A pensioner is aged 65 and over. Evidence of age to be produced for the first application only.