Candidates are taking a stand across all wards and community boards for New Plymouth District Council in this year’s local body election. Nominations closed at midday on Friday 12 August and you can find out more about the candidates below.
We offered all the candidates the chance to have their say on the big issues in the district. Below are their responses in their words as they sent them to us. Some chose not to respond.
Voting packs will start to arrive in the post between Friday 16 September 2022 and Wednesday 21 September 2022.
(across the whole district)
(New Plymouth city to Ōkato)
(Māori Ward)
(Inglewood and surrounding area)
(Waitara up to Waitomo District Council border)
(Tikorangi, Urenui, Ōnaero, Tongaporutu)
(Inglewood, Egmont Village, Tarata)
(Ōākura, Ōmata, Ōkato)