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Amanda Clinton-Gohdes

Amanda Clinton-Gohdes

My principal place of residence is in the District-Wide Councillor area.

It has been a privilege to be one of your Councillors this term, and I would be honoured to continue this work. I have a background in law and science, and a heart for our community. I have experience in commercial and property law, governance, research, tertiary sector, strategy and equity advice. I'm also mum to a one-year-old, and strive to anchor each Council decision in what is best for the next generation. To ensure New Plymouth keeps being an incredible place, we need to support each person in our community, especially those who often don't have a voice. We need to look after our environment and respond to climate change, while transitioning to a low emissions economy and ensuring that no one is left behind. We need to do this for our future, but also for our children, our grandchildren - because your future matters, and so does theirs.

He waimarie nōku ki te noho ki waenganui i te Kaunihera i tenei wāhanga, arā, he hōnore nui ki ahau ki a mahi tonu i ngā mahi. He kaiwhakawhiwhi ahau, he kaiputaiao, he ngakau nui tōku mō to tātou hapori. He wheako āku mō te kawanatanga, ki te rangahau, ki te whai ture rawa me te umanga hoki. He māmā ahau ki taku tamaiti, kotahi tau tana pakeke, arā, me whakarite, kia mau tonu a Ngāmotu hei wāhi whakahirahira, me tautoko i a tangata ki roto i tō tātou hapori. Me tiaki tō tātou taiao, kia kōkiri atu ki ngā rerekētanga e pāngia te taiao, ā, ka whakawhiti atu ki te tukanga ohanga iti nei, kia kore tātou e noho mokemoke ana. Ka tika, he huarahi tēnei mo ō mātou tamariki, mo ngā mokopuna o te āpōpō. Me mahi tahi tātou mo te oranga o te katoa.

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