My principal place of residence is in the District-Wide Councillor area.
I am standing as your District Wide Councillor to bring our community back together.
I have lived in Taranaki for 50 years. I was bought up in Waitara for the first 10 of those years. I have had a variety of jobs over 32 years of my working life, have a range of experience which relates to all walks of life.
I am married with two children. I own my own business, am a Personal Trainer, Councillor, Nutritionist. I love helping people achieve their goals. I believe I can add value to our community which will assist all walks of life.
I am motivated, driven, passionate, a great listener. I love challenges and can not wait to start working for you within our amazing community. My motto is unity within the community.
No. Due to cost of living at the moment & the uncertainty of our economy I do not believe households can afford further rate rises.
No. I oppose 3 waters & also water meters because they are both unnecessary costs to the ratepayers.
No. NPDC is already addressing Climate Change with our recycling of rubbish & continued monitoring of our environment.
Yes. By supporting businesses in the CBD with Free parking & encouraging people to shop locally. Also, by offering businesses free advise & providing them solutions to grow & improve their business.
Everyone in our community deserves to be heard & have a voice. All ratepayers should have a say in council decision.
We need to abolish Regional Councils, because separating NP district is separating Waitara, Oākura, Urenui, Ōkato & Inglewood etc & aren't we one community. Therefore the outlying regions get included again. Unity within the community.
NPDC is not in a financial postion to invest a large sum of money on such a project. We have more important issues such as infrastructure (roading/repairing water pipes/improving refuse/recycling) that need our attention.
Bring our community together is the most important priority to me. Also preventing constant rate rises & doing necessary improvements to our infrastructure. We need to stop expenditure on unnecessary self indulgent projects.