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Dan Thurston Crow

My principal place of residence is not in the District-Wide Councillor area.

Unprecedented times are calling on us: to be courageous, insightful, resourceful. To innovate and to connect. As a strategist with a background in tech entrepreneurship I've learnt to navigate complex human, technological and financial dynamics in big picture contexts.

I was privileged to be The Opportunities Party's New Plymouth candidate in 2020. Local government is different, but the same values will always drive me: radical transparency; decision-making and planning around the best available evidence; deep and authentic representation - your needs, your aspirations.

I love New Plymouth's diversity and creativity, and also the pragmatism that underpins it. Through Sustainable Taranaki and Startup Taranaki I collaborate with, and advocate for, enterprising locals and communities working to secure a bright future in an environment that's resilient and sustainable.

I'm proud of what we offer residents and visitors alike. I'm excited by our potential. Together, we'll continue to astonish.

Kia kaha, ngā hoa!

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