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Harry Duynhoven

My principal place of residence is in the District-Wide Councillor area.

Born, schooled, apprenticed and taught in New Plymouth; I've lived here always. I've loved representing New Plymouth District and its people in several roles, Member of Parliament, Mayor and as councillor. Always I work with people from all walks of life to achieve the best possible outcome.

My skills, experience and determination have made me a strong advocate for the many people who often feel they're not being heard.

Community connections are important and involvement in several voluntary organisations over many years has given me insight into the areas of society many of us wouldn't usually see.

That has reinforced my view that it is vital that Council concentrates on necessities, operates with transparency, and keeps a strong focus on costs.

We must keep the 'sparkle' while safe-guarding our environment.

Vote for experience, ability and knowledge at the council table in these uncertain times.

Q & A