My principal place of residence is in the District-Wide Councillor area.
Vote for a voice you can trust, a business minded, forward thinker that is straight to the point and fair to all. Kuvarji is a proactive mover and shaker, who shows results in all she does. A well respected business woman, with grassroots governance experience and a reputation for leadership, professionalism and impeccable analytical, organizational and financial management skills. Strongly focussed on fair representation, stabilizing rates and supporting policies that ensure longterm and shortterm sustainability of our district and all we have, Kuvarji brings her abundance of knowledge to the table for the betterment of our people and future generations. Kuvarji is committed to representing those that elect her as their councillor of New Plymouth District Council and is ready to put some elbow grease in to get the job done. To learn more about Kuvarji visit
No. I understand why the increase has been implemented but only support the portion that contributes to the items that are necessary.
No. Though Central Government’s whakaaro is right, the long-term financial implications are not yet clear. In addition, local government needs to play a role in the implementation.
Yes. Pretty straightforward.
Yes. I believe there is always room for improvement.
Because as the indigenous people of the land it is important that our values are represented in the important decisions of our district.
To firstly ensure that what is received from the communities is well reflected around the table. Secondly, understanding what their needs are and actively making an effort to meet those needs.
I doubt $40 million will be enough and that budget needs to be closely monitored and adjusted as the project progressed. It should be adjusted within the budget and capped.
Currently the Three Waters reform is at the forefront of council’s focus and should be. There are many items in recent agendas that need to be followed through, which I am committed to helping execute. Stability of rates to reduce future rises is paramount. Long term sustainability.