My principal place of residence is in the District-Wide Councillor area.
In recent years, I've been critical of Council's performance.
Being New Plymouth born and bred, (with my principal place of residence being in the New Plymouth District Council area), I firmly believe we all feel the pressures councils impose on us. While derived from well-intentioned, often self-interested groups, their questionable decision making leaves us with the long-lasting unintended consequences.
This term crucial challenges include eye-watering inflation, skywards rates, accompanied by crumbling roading, exploding staff numbers, aspirational costly projects, alongside inevitable budget blowout risks.
Then there's the complex issues of Central v Local Government, Three Waters acrimony and Climate Change costs.
Your Vote gives voice for: Local control over assets; financial restraint on projects; improved roading, defending Ratepayer interests.
I offer my knowledge accumulated from 35+ years of successful real-world learning for what actually works.
Vote MAX BROUGH 1 for District wide Councillor.
No. There is little point in being a 'Lifestyle Capital' if Rates are beyond your family's financial means. Projected Council rate increases make too many unfounded assumptions around costs. History shows these inevitably go well beyond what's planned. We need to cut budgets so long-suffering ratepayers are given a break.
No. The Govt claims are spurious at best. NPDC could merge Water provision services with other Taranaki Councils, if it's an overriding issue. Local Control is absolutely paramount for our future service levels. Centralisation of anything never worked for local benefit anywhere in NZ.
No. There are already plans and processes in place we are working towards. These should be flexible enough to evolve as the future demands. Our efforts should be tempered by our ability to fun practical measures that may reasonable arise. Re-assess planned projects which are the biggest single contributors to emmissions.
Ongoing support should be via easier pathways with less bureaucratic input. We need to promote a 'How can we Assist' culture, rather than a 'you cannot do that because...' attitude. The entire district benefits when businesses are thriving. These policies are good for everyone.
A Māori ward is already a reality so there's little point in debating. I believe we all want what is best for our district and I will work alongside anybody that is looking to achieve such an outcome.
District wide elected Councillors ignore these areas needs at their peril come re-election time. Local Boards have discretionary budgets already, but I believe these should be increased. This is why I am standing District Wide. To listen to you and act accordingly. Vote: Max Brough 1.
For this to advance, budgets must be agreed upon. Every project in NPDC history has had massive cost overruns and this causes community anger and division. We must learn from history and build for the future in a manner for a united district. Blown budgets will affect Hub users too.