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Murray Seamark

My principal place of residence is in the District-Wide Councillor area. I am also standing for the Clifton Community Board.

Hi there, I am the current Chair of the Clifton Community Board. I live in Tongapōrutu and care passionately about, and for our local community. Council needs to hear a representative voice from the smaller and rural communities. Someone who understands the needs and challenges people in these communities face every day. As the CCB Chair I have been an active voice at Council chambers and strongly advocate for community needs within council itself. I listen attentively to local concerns, am active in my community, and get stuck in to make stuff happen. I have a manufacturing business background and know the value of teams and being entrepreneurial. I acknowledge, respect, and work collaboratively with tangata whenua to achieve positive outcomes for all people.

Council needs diversity of thought to represent the entire district.

Make the rural and small community voice be heard.

Elect Murray Seamark to Council.

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