My principal place of residence is in the District-Wide Councillor area.
I am New Plymouth born and raised, and apart from military service and a brief O.E, I have lived in the area all my life
I believe strongly in the concept of the councils core responsibilities are the provision and maintanance of basic infrastructure, and I am standing to ensure that rate payers get the best value for the hard earned rates they pay. In my profesional career, I have learned that a successful outcome in any business deal is a good result is found for both supplier and end user, and in these times of financial hardship for many working families I will do my best to ensure that council spending is directed to needs, not wants.
Now is not the time for extravagence, consolidate, get the basics right, and grow the area in a prudent fashion.
Yes. If it is to be used for infrastructure.
No. Central government is stripping our assets, for no apparent reason.
Yes. But only within council operations. Council does not, and should not, have control over how citizens live their day to day lives.
Yes. Business is the life blood of our community.
No. It is undemocractic. Every NZ citizen of any ethnic background can stand in the elections, and be elected on merit.
Candidate declined to answer.
Candidate declined to answer.
Keeping rates rises to an absolute minimum in these financially challenging times.