My principal place of residence is in the Inglewood Community Board area.
I'm a fifth generation Inglewoodite, in fact my great grandfather Jack Dombroski drove his bullocks through town when Inglewood celebrated its centenial. I'm an owner/operator of a lawn mowing business and the current President of the Inglewood Bowling Club.
I've really enjoyed my 1st term on the Community Board and am proud of the part I have played in the achievements made particularly the installation of the pedestrian crossing on Rata Street.
A number of projects are still ongoing including the playground at Jubilee Park and the linking of the various walkways in town.
I'd love to serve another term and be able to see these projects through to their conclusions.
Yes. Unfortunately it’s necessary due to a number of factors including the cost of replacement and maintenance of assets and also additional demands imposed by central government for increased levels of service.
No. I don’t agree with the government’s decision to take away the management of the three waters from councils.
Yes. Climate change is only going to get worse in years to come and the NPDC is developing plans to tackle it.
Sorry. I’m not in a position to answer this question.
Personally I don’t support a Maori ward as I don’t believe in segregation.
I believe the council is on the right track having implemented community boards and having elected members representing each board and the community within.
Having committed to invest $40 million I believe it should be capped at this amount.
I’ve really enjoyed working alongside the other board members during the last term and we have a number of projects unfinished so I would really like to be able to serve my community again and finish these.