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Nick Jones

My principal place of residence is in the Inglewood Community Board area.

I'm standing for ICB as an actively engaged citizen who has advocated tirelessly for many worthy causes. I believe our smaller communities can fulfill their potential in providing safe, active and thriving communities for all people, especially our young people, children and families, if appropriately resourced.

Presently NPDC lacks fair and equitable levels of investment into infrastructure that supports the health, wellbeing, safety and livability of Kohanga Moa ward. We need high quality investment into outdoor recreation spaces, playgrounds and park and the Inglewood CBD, greater advocacy for investment into state highway and road safety for all road users.

We need fair and equitable access to public art, culture and events outside of New Plymouth - particularly with rising living and travel costs. I'm a collaborative, open, creative, frank and honest voice for our community and look forward to working with others to improve outcomes for all of our people.

Q & A