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Sarah Lucas

My principal place of residence is in the Inglewood Community Board area.

Tēnā Koutou, I am a small business owner, and mother, living in Inglewood. My motivations are - social justice, rights of the child, environment & sustainability, get the basics right, and become part of NPDC's vision of a sustainable lifestyle capital.

I want to see: basic quality roading maintenance, investigation of cycleways and safer roads, increased accessibility to public transport, free public transport to free events in NP, council support for creative, fun spaces for people to gather, active networking and liaison with social agencies, community groups and NGO's, to identify needs.

I will work to build relationships with council teams and officers, and integrate with our local schools, residents, rural community and business groups.

Together we can move Inglewood forward to an inclusive, representative, fun, safe and creative place to live, work and play.

Ngä mihi nui

Q & A