My principal place of residence is in the Kaitake Community Board area.
I am also standing for the Kaitake-Ngāmotu General Ward.
The boundaries of the current NPDC South West Ward, which historically has 'our' Councillors residing in Inglewood, has seen the Kaitake role woefully under represented at the council table, and it has fallen to the Kaitake Community Board to fight to get 'our' issues heard, acknowledged, and (on rare occasions) addressed.
Experience, abilities and skills developed from my service in the New Zealand Defence Force, successful local business ownership/operation, involvement on a variety of Boards, Trusts, Committees and Associations, and knowledge and networks established through my years on the Kaitake Community Board to date, has allowed me to ably demonstrate the benefits I bring to this community as an elected member.
Please re-elect me to the Kaitake Community Board, and if you do I commit to continue to work long and hard to represent you, and to act as a strong advocate for the interests of your community.
Inflation and the need to maintain infrastructure resilience into the future, means rates rises will be inevitable. It behoves the entire council organisation however to apply the strictest fiscal prudence possible to keep any increase in household rates as low as is practicable – be that the 6%, more or less.
No. Triggered by an outbreak of gastroenteritis in Havelock North in 2016, the underpinning rationale behind this reform does NOT reflect the quality of our water infrastructure, nor those in many other districts across the country, therefore the proposed central government nationwide enforcement of this reform is both unjustified and unwarranted.
Yes. As a community leader, NPDC has a responsibility to take the lead in supporting a climate action drive and should work towards influencing the factors that impact on climate change inside our district, and beyond, through what it does and how it does it.
Yes. Businesses, especially small businesses, are the life blood of any community, through providing job opportunities, encouraging economic growth, and attracting people to the district, therefore the NPDC should be looking to do whatever it can to directly and meaningfully support local business.
Absolutely! NPDC has an obligation to have the voice of the tangata whenua heard, to enable good decisions to be made that accurately reflect the views and aspirations of whānau, hapū and iwi. The Māori ward will ensure that occurs by having a minimum of one Māori perspective at the table.
Ōakura and Ōkato have been marginalised by a sad lack of representation at the council table for years. Water is the main concern in outlying areas so NPDC needs to address the purity of Ōakura’s water supply, the resilience of Ōkato’s water supply, and resolve Inglewood’s wastewater and stormwater problems.
NPDC investment should most definitely be capped at $40M because anything else could see the NPDC and its rate payers open themselves up to becoming a “cash cow” to be re-milked every time there’s specification change, a cost overrun, or missed planning element that suddenly needs to be funded.
My top priority is to ensure every individual in the NPDC is held accountable for every decision and action undertaken. They need to work collaboratively and collectively to have of those decisions and actions positively contribute towards the best possible level of service to our principle stakeholders – our residents.