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Graham Chard

My principal place of residence is in the Kaitake Community Board area.

I am also standing for the Kaitake-Ngāmotu General Ward.

The boundaries of the current NPDC South West Ward, which historically has 'our' Councillors residing in Inglewood, has seen the Kaitake role woefully under represented at the council table, and it has fallen to the Kaitake Community Board to fight to get 'our' issues heard, acknowledged, and (on rare occasions) addressed.

Experience, abilities and skills developed from my service in the New Zealand Defence Force, successful local business ownership/operation, involvement on a variety of Boards, Trusts, Committees and Associations, and knowledge and networks established through my years on the Kaitake Community Board to date, has allowed me to ably demonstrate the benefits I bring to this community as an elected member.

Please re-elect me to the Kaitake Community Board, and if you do I commit to continue to work long and hard to represent you, and to act as a strong advocate for the interests of your community.

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