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Bali Haque

My principal place of residence is in the Kaitake-Ngāmotu General Ward area.

I'm very keen to make a contribution to our community and seek your support. There is work to do to help address child poverty, improve housing availability, further develop sustainable infrastructure and local transport - as well as reinvigorate our city centre. We must continue to build on our deserved reputation as a fantastic place to live and work and do more to foster a sense of community.

I have been a teacher and deputy principal at Spotswood College and have been the Principal of three NZ secondary schools - and of the National College of the Cook Islands. I was deputy chief executive of NZQA in Wellington and I also led a Ministerial taskforce to review the NZ compulsory schooling sector. I am currently a board member of the Toi Foundation and Teach First NZ.

I am married to Cara and we have two adult children who live overseas.

Q & A