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Bryan Vickery

My principal place of residence is in the Kaitake-Ngāmotu General Ward area.

The NPDC needs strong and positive leadership as it strivers to be the Sustainable Lifestyle of NZ. People who are smart, analytical, have business acumen, and are inclusive and culturally aware. They need to be team players, and most importantly, they need to be in tune with needs of a diverse community.

Bryan Vickery has the above attributes. Bryan has dedicated his life to serving the community, as a respected journalist he has reported on the NPDC for many years, and knows thousands of people - including important networks.

Bryan is a board member of the Taranaki Chamber of Commerce, and is the founder of Bryan Vickery Media Taranaki, and has helped dozens of not-for-profit groups - and given a voice to diversity. Bryan would be a real asset on the NPDC.

Q & A