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David Bublitz

My principal place of residence is in the Kaitake-Ngāmotu General Ward area.

Personally, so much has been learnt as the council and community have navigated an incredibly difficult time over the past three years. It would be a privilege to take what I have learned and apply it to another term on Council.

The challenges ahead will need pragmatic, clear thinking. Three Waters, Local Government and RMA reform will be three of the main issues council face. These reforms will have an effect on how local Government will function in the future. Be assured that protecting local democracy and community voice will be at the forefront of any of my decision making.

I will unashamedly advocate for progress, championing projects such as the Tuparakino Active Community Hub and the Ngamotu Precinct.

Balancing these aspirational projects with measured growth, while continuing to improve infrastructure, partnerships and community needs will be a challenge I look forward to if I am re-elected.

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