My principal place of residence is in the Kaitake-Ngāmotu General Ward area.
I believe the council is at a crossroad. The very future of local goverment is under siege and we must fight to retain our independance. I oppose Three Waters reform. NPDC must retain its assets.
I believe budgets can be cut and rates increases reduced as a result.
That is why I am standing this term. We need experience, knowledge and tenacity around the council table representing New Plymouth's communities.
I believe in values of integrity, honesty and effective communication with our ratepayers and residents.
New Plymouth is a great place to live but needs to be a sustainable, affordable lifestyle community.
We need a vibrant business community to keep our economy doing well as we face the challenges of today and tomorrow.
Yes. We had no alternative once the size of the infrastructure problem was identified. However, I believe there is room for budget costs which will bring that figure down.
No. Absolutely not. New Plymouth ratepayers paid for them and they should remain ours. The government trying to say we would continue to own them is fanciful nonsense. A Taranaki entity would be better.
No. I think we have it about right. There are potentially huge costs to ratepayers if we go overboard.
Yes. Many are suffering in this Covid era, while the increase of online sales continue to increase. Successful businesses are essential for the community’s wellbeing economically and in many other ways.
Yes! It was an idea whose time had come. I was instrumental in pushing for it, and the vote was 13-2 in favour. Remember it is one vote out of 15.
Community boards now have their own discretionary funds to support local initiatives. Boards must address council frequently to ask for help with their issues. It has to be a two-way conversation.
I totally support the project. It is all about participation for the whole community. Fundraising is important and $40m funding is enough but any unbudgeted windfalls could increase council contributions.
Keeping rates affordable by prudent spending. Budgets to be cut to ensure that, while encouraging sustainable growth.