My principal place of residence is in the Kaitake-Ngāmotu General Ward area.
I'm standing in the hope of bringing unity to New Plymouth's diverse communities in an increasingly unstable world. Waitara-born and educated at Francis Douglas College, I serve on the Devon Intermediate School Board of Trustees for the past 18 months.
I advocate for those who sometimes don't have a voice: our seniors, youth and homeless. Better access to housing and employment with improve quality of life for everyone, and Council can play a much stronger role in these areas than they currently do.
I disagree with vaccine mandates. The right to consent to medical treatment is a basic human right, likewise I oppose Three Waters. It's an attack on local democratic control and will likely lead to privatization and massive price increases as seen overseas.
Support Ivan Pihama for a democratic voice on New Plymouth District Council
I oppose the rates increase as the majority of NP ratepayers (who are disproportionately senior citizens on fixed income) oppose it, just as they oppose expensive luxuries like the new sports facility and the Yarrow stadium upgrade. In a global recession, these expensive commitments need to be examined.
People of Taranaki should be very cautious when it comes to control of our Water as this is the essence of all life on earth. Taranaki needs to keep control of its most precious resource and say no to Three Waters.
I support climate justice and disagree with climate policies that disproportionately hurt poor people. Instead of subsidising EV for well to do people we should be subsidising more public transport.
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! With many still reeling from the lockdowns this council needs to show some compassion to small business owners. An example is the Rock Pool Cafe, unable to turn a profit due to rising costs and high council rental they have no choice but to walk away.
Of the 78 councils around New Zealand 3 have a had a separate Māori representation for some years now, 35 have now opted to create Māori seats. This sharing of responsibility should of happen over one hundred years ago, today we walk side by side.
Better maintenance of road infrastructure with better public transport.
With the world heading into a possible recession as early as the end of 2022 I believe time isn't right to through rate payers money on a Want that's not a Need.
If elected my priorities will always be our most vulnerable, our seniors, youth and homeless. I cannot put this into 50 words to do it Justise.