My principal place of residence is in the Kaitake-Ngāmotu General Ward area.
New Plymouth is a great place to live and we are the beneficiaries of a wonderful legacy.
These must be protected and increased for the future.
I am going to bring to the table my qualifications and experience. Alongside Degrees in Management and Business I also bring work experience and knowledge gained in a variety of occupations as a soldier, chef, minister, business owner, and executive director.
These have developed in me a disciplined approach to people and situations, an understanding of organisations, and the importance of outcomes while managing change. In all of these relationships teamwork is critical.
I believe and support that democracy must be local.
If democracy is not experienced as a reality by people like ourselves it is democracy in name only. The more decisions that are made locally the better as too much is being decided and driven at an ever-increasing pace by Central Government.
Yes. With the greatest reluctance, but it is hard to see how Council can possibly stay on top, with the current Plans, in an inflationary environment otherwise. However, there needs to be some rationalisation of those objectives as some are good but not “essential” in the short to medium term.
No. While water management is a key concern for everybody and a core task of Councils it does not follow that we should continue the increased centralisation of Services. The more this occurs, the more disempowered local communities are becoming.
Yes. Immediate issues are erosion and building sites at sea level especially at risk. Any facilitation of sustainable energy development, including Hydrogen, should be priority. How can we help those who are keeping New Plymouth and the Taranaki at the forefront of energy?
Yes. Better the word was “facilitated” rather than “support”. What can be done to allow function and productivity because, in my experience of business and business owners, they are not looking for compassion and handouts as much as they are a Council that works with them.
Yes. The Māori Ward gives expression to what we already have by way of the Māori Seats in Parliament. It also gives some expression to Mana Whenua.
I am aware of drainage issues in Waitara and have the sense when talking to some folk that Council ignores them. Local representation and communication must be at a minimum retained, preferably increased, as these areas face the pressure of growth in residential density with the accompanying demands on infrastructure.
Considering the increase in Rates and the waiting list for Projects, it should be capped. This sort of Project is good but not a must. Any Plant like this does not guarantee an immediate return should be carefully analysed with awareness paid to the ongoing operational costs.
We should prioritise core business and delivery with management of costs while maintain some of the jewels we have like the Walkway, Pukekura Park, including The Festival of Lights. Council should look to build and operate in partnership with other organisations in the delivery of projects thus incurring less exposure.