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Kevyn Harris

My principal place of residence is in the Kaitake-Ngāmotu General Ward area.

New Plymouth is a great place to live and we are the beneficiaries of a wonderful legacy.

These must be protected and increased for the future.

I am going to bring to the table my qualifications and experience. Alongside Degrees in Management and Business I also bring work experience and knowledge gained in a variety of occupations as a soldier, chef, minister, business owner, and executive director.

These have developed in me a disciplined approach to people and situations, an understanding of organisations, and the importance of outcomes while managing change. In all of these relationships teamwork is critical.

I believe and support that democracy must be local.

If democracy is not experienced as a reality by people like ourselves it is democracy in name only. The more decisions that are made locally the better as too much is being decided and driven at an ever-increasing pace by Central Government.

Q & A