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Monica Hylton

My principal place of residence is in the Kaitake-Ngāmotu General Ward area.

My vision is to ensure the democracy of Ngāmotu New Plymouth is maintained by allowing every residents ideas and concerns to be heard, respected and taken into account during the councils future planning and decisions. Local businesses, support and service providers are the absolute pillars of this community. Keeping the wheels turning, economy flowing and the city catered for. This success is best achieved collectively with strong, fluent communication between council, residents and businesses.

As a youth myself, its important to support our future leaders as much as possible with emphasis on youth community involvement, adequate vocational and education opportunities, environmental issues, diversity and restoring our tourism industry.

Together we can maintain our clean green reputation and provide a liveable, workable district for people from all walks of life and continue growing our city into an oasis of entertainment and experiences for our guests and visitors.

Q & A