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Murray Chong

My principal place of residence is in the Kaitake-Ngāmotu General Ward area.

I am also standing for the Mayor.

I'm very honoured to have represented you as a councillor for the last nine years. I stand for defending your local democracy and being prudent with ratepayer money. I make sure we achieve best bang-for-buck on projects and make it easier for ratepayers to have their say and be heard.

I have been constant in what I stand for - representing you rather than our council agenda. I will continue to represent you to the best of my ability if I am re-elected on to the council for a fourth term.

I am running for both Councillor and Mayor. It is important to get your #1 vote for both these positions to ensure you have an experienced, common-sense voice to represent you around the table.

Feel free to contact me on 021936837 to find out more on what I stand for.

Q & A