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Neil Holdom

Neil Holdom

My principal place of residence is in the New Plymouth District Council area.

Bachelor of Arts, Political Science and Philosophy, Victoria University of Wellington.

Strategic Management Programme, Macquarie Graduate School of Management Sydney (MGSM).

Foundations of General Management, MGSM.
Diploma in Management, NZ Institute of Management.

Member, NZ Institute of Directors.

My primary job is to be a useful husband to my wife Melissa and father to our children Xavier, Savanna and Alyssa.

My personal objective is to help make New Plymouth such an awesome place that at least one of my three children chooses to stay here as an adult.

If re-elected my objectives are as follows: Delivery; investing in 3W, roading and parks infrastructure, expanding our tracks and trails, building our sports and wellbeing hub. Community; celebrating our culture, supporting volunteer organisations and building community connections. Partnerships; partnering with others to get things done. Sustainability; achieving environmental excellence. Prosperity; improving our standard of living.

PS I love this place.

Q & A