My principal place of residence is in the New Plymouth District Council area.
I am also standing for the District-Wide Councillor.
When you are called to lead, you are called to serve. My aspiration to lead as your Mayor is a desire to serve my community as a transformational leader, a pragmatist, a visionary who is culturally competent.
My key six objectives to keep the NPDC accountable to the community are: To deliver better 3-water services while remaining affordable and locally responsive; to focus on grassroot democracy by proactive, meaningful engagement with our Community Boards, which are the heart of our district; to focus on our youth by re-establishing a Youth Council; to urgently act on Climate Change and to become the Sustainable Lifestyle Capital of the country. Your council must do better. Through better engagement with the community; providing better service to our residential and commercial ratepayers, and, above all do everything we can to stay focused on owning and providing top class local infrastructure that you paid for.
Ka tohua koe ki mua, he hāpai ake i te iwi tō mahi. He kōingo nōku ki te ārahi i taku hapori, hei manu kōkiri whanaketanga, e mātau pai ana ki ngā ahurea hoki. Koinei ngā whāinga e ono hei whakaū māku ki NPDC: ki te tuku i ngā ratonga 'wai e toru' pai ake, i te iti o te utu me te aro ki te rohe ake; ki te aro ki te manapori o te rohe mā te tūhonohono ki ngā Poari Hapori, i roto i te tika me te pono; ki te aro ki te ohinga mā te whakatū anō i tōna Kaunihera; ki te aro ki ngā mate kōnekeneke āhuarangi e rongo ai te whakaputuputu ora i te rohe nei. Me kaha ake te Kaunihera ki te tuku ratonga ki ngā kaiutu rēti, me te tiaki rawa e pakari tonu ai te tāhuhu o te rohe.
The forecasted household rates rise of 6% over the next 8 years in unsustainable. Time to pause and reset. The pandemic has caused extraordinary inflation and increased costs of living. Actualising the NPDC vision of the Sustainable Lifestyle Capital in unachievable and requires immediate reassessment year 3 LTP 2023/24.
We cannot stop the mandated reform conversely we must now proactively influence the outcomes for our community. I believe in a Taranaki regional strategy whereby South Taranaki, Stratford and New Plymouth District councils join collectively as a Council Controlled Organisation to ensure our 3 Waters remain affordable and locally responsive.
Yes, urgently. In addition to the mitigation and adaptation goals currently planned within NPDC Climate Change Framework and Emissions Reduction Plan we need to focus on future opportunities. In particular green waste collection and diversion from landfill, collection of commercial food waste and the Colson Road Landfill Gas Capture System.
Yes. The imminent NPDC rating review process for commercial/industrial, small holdings and farmland businesses will be an opportunity to review current rates which I believe are imbalanced and inequitable for business. I believe that NPDC must consult with business to ensure that the future rating system is equitable.
I support the principles of Aotearoa New Zealand's constitution Te Tiriti O Waitangi namely, Partnership Participation and Protection. The establishment of a Māori ward is honouring the partnership between the Crown and Maori. I believe that the introduction of a Maori Ward Councillor is an invaluable contribution to decision making.
Successful and effective support of our towns starts with proactive engagement with our Community Boards, the heart of localised grassroot democracy and decision making. NPDC must do better to achieve focused outcomes by listening to our community boards with the intent to understand their needs and aspirations. Forward Together.
NPDC has pledged $38.5m in the long-term plan. I support the Tūparikino Active Community Hub as an intergenerational well-being facility. Given extraordinary current project inflation costs at 30% I believe NPDC should cap our contribution at $40 million. The Tūparikino project team will need to raise the balance.
Immediate Mayoral priorities is to appoint a Deputy Mayor, confirm committee structures, appoint key Chairpersons including various committee appointments. Reimagine the NPDC Vision Mission and Goals while remaining 100% focused on achieving the best 3 Water Reform outcome for NPDC and immediate revision for the Annual Plan rate expectations 2023/24.