My principal place of residence is not in the Puketapu-Bell Block Community Board area. I am also standing for the New Plymouth City Wide.
My name is Tane Webster and I am standing for the roles of New Plymouth District Councillor and Puketapu-Bell Block Community Board member. If successful in both campaigns, I will take the position of Councillor as required by the election regulations.
I have spent the last year of my life working as a community advocate at the grassroots level in New Plymouth and around New Zealand. I have organized community projects, rallies, made deputations and have a track record of standing up for those being ignored. One clear trend we can see in New Zealand is centralization. We need voices for our community, not voices for Wellington in our community. Being 29 years old, I will be a fresh voice for the community board. My Webster ancestors arrived in New Plymouth in 1841 and successive generations have contributed to this city. I plan to continue doing just that.
No. I endorse prudent and fiscally responsible spending of ratepayers’ money that focuses on essential services, protecting rate-payer funded infrastructure and initiatives that bring the community real value. I oppose expenditure on irrelevant and white elephant projects – without these there is no need for rate rises.
No and I never will. The proposed reforms are undemocratic, will lead to higher water costs, more bureaucracy and a loss of local control. I went on record opposing Three Waters at a council deputation in April.
No. I am a strong environmental advocate but climate change is not a core council activity. If anything, we need to do more to address the economic impacts of our climate change policies.
No, councils should not be picking winners in business, they should be focusing on core council activities. Leave businesses alone so they can get on with what they know best. We need to promote the benefits of New Plymouth as a lifestyle and commercial destination.
No, we should encourage participation to the best degree possible in all communities but as a New Zealander with Maori ancestry I don’t think we need race based seats. This policy creates resentment, friction and undermines the democratic process.
My best answer would be to actually put the question out to the ratepayers specific to these areas. As no one but the people living and working in each of these small communities can say what they really need from the NPDC.
It should be capped to reduce the risk of a blowout to ratepayers. Anything over that amount, charities and the private sector should contribute.
To put the interests of the people of New Plymouth first and challenge central planning from Wellington. In the first instance, I will continue to do all I can to oppose Three Waters.
Our district and region have enormous potential, it’s time to take our own side.