My principal place of residence is in the Te Purutanga Mauri Pūmanawa Māori Ward area.
Tena tatou
Ko Maia Hoengarangi Bailey toku ingoa
He uri au o Upokomutu hapu, Taranaki Iwi, raua ko Otaraua Hapu no Te Atiawa nui tonu.
I am proud to stand as a nominee for the Māori Ward.
Raised in Tikorangi, I have an extensive international career in leadership roles for multi nationals and have been exposed to world class quality systems in my working career.
Progress is not without challenge and the journey to establish this role is but one example. Collaboration and building relationships are critical for community participation, entrepreneurial and innovative thinking enables growth in our townships, marae and hapu. Being connected across our communities and not shying from our challenges is my commitment.
I welcome the opportunity to represent whanau Maori at the table
Yes. We can’t grow as a region if we are not willing to invest. Our infrastructure needs rework, we have increased population and urban rural sprawl, we will reach peak capacity in supply of services if we do not mitigate these sooner rather than later. We have an opportunity to rethink our landscape
That discussion needs further consultation. With climate change, increased rain falls, floods, slippage, rising water levels, a straight yes or no support for this question, is premature. More korero is needed with the many stakeholders involved in the control or our waters.
Yes. Again, that is a bigger discussion with Iwi and Hapu throughout Taranaki including our rural communities, and our environmental groups. What solutions benefit everyone given change takes one – two generations, one generation to implement change, one generation to carry the change.
Yes. The inner city needs to come alive, such a waste of beautiful space that is not being fully utilised. A tram running one end of Devon St East to Devon St West, would allow more consumers to travel into town and shop. Lack of parking makes this experience stressful.
1000% Support. Maori do not need non-Maori make decisions for us. We share this region, we have been kaitiaki of our whenua for centuries, we know how to look after and care for our people. We are community solutions focused.
Listen, listen, listen and engage. Leave predisposed agendas at the door, start with a blank slate and work on end solutions collaboratively and vigorously. Respectful debate is healthy.
With our supply chains compromised through external political events around the globe, we may have no option but scale back $40 million proposal. Does this mean reduce the footprint of the project? Or do we bite the bullet and say – well actually we want this, and we will make it happen?
Transport & Freight – Our roads need priority action! Let’s revisit rail.
Affordable Papakainga Housing – This model allows whanau to share the loan and whenua
Aging Community – Wellbeing, participation, transport, health
Innovation – Hydrogen, deep cell storage, harakeke composite building materials