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Maia Hoengarangi Bailey

My principal place of residence is in the Te Purutanga Mauri Pūmanawa Māori Ward area.

Tena tatou

Ko Maia Hoengarangi Bailey toku ingoa

He uri au o Upokomutu hapu, Taranaki Iwi, raua ko Otaraua Hapu no Te Atiawa nui tonu.

I am proud to stand as a nominee for the Māori Ward.

Raised in Tikorangi, I have an extensive international career in leadership roles for multi nationals and have been exposed to world class quality systems in my working career.

Progress is not without challenge and the journey to establish this role is but one example. Collaboration and building relationships are critical for community participation, entrepreneurial and innovative thinking enables growth in our townships, marae and hapu. Being connected across our communities and not shying from our challenges is my commitment.

I welcome the opportunity to represent whanau Maori at the table

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