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Te Waka McLeod

My principal place of residence is in the Te Purutanga Mauri Pūmanawa Māori Ward area.

Te Waka was born, bred, and educated in Waitara and is strongly connected to her marae and iwi. She has a commitment to seeing her community prosper, grow, and see rangatahi reach their full potential.

Te Waka has been shaped and inspired by her community and whānau, which has provided her with valuable insight and understanding of the community she currently serves. She is standing because she believes she can effectively represent an authentic and contemporary Māori perspective that combines iwi and our wider community.

Te Waka is a natural communicator with networks within Taranaki and nationally. She has a professional background in iwi and community development and presently works for Ka Uruora Foundation, focused on improving financial literacy, savings, and home ownership pathways among whānau.

Te Waka is excited to stand for the Māori Ward and make a positive contribution to the development of the New Plymouth district.

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