My principal place of residence is in the Te Purutanga Mauri Pūmanawa Māori Ward area.
Te Waka was born, bred, and educated in Waitara and is strongly connected to her marae and iwi. She has a commitment to seeing her community prosper, grow, and see rangatahi reach their full potential.
Te Waka has been shaped and inspired by her community and whānau, which has provided her with valuable insight and understanding of the community she currently serves. She is standing because she believes she can effectively represent an authentic and contemporary Māori perspective that combines iwi and our wider community.
Te Waka is a natural communicator with networks within Taranaki and nationally. She has a professional background in iwi and community development and presently works for Ka Uruora Foundation, focused on improving financial literacy, savings, and home ownership pathways among whānau.
Te Waka is excited to stand for the Māori Ward and make a positive contribution to the development of the New Plymouth district.
Yes. Rate rises are essential for infrastructure for our communities. This is often hard, as it is not as important as the shopping or power but is about what we prioritise. Paying for services that we use is an essential contribution for the benefit of the communities that we live in.
Yes, We are kaitiaki of the water and should be part of every aspect of the water cycle. As Māori, water rights are embedded in Te Tiriti o Waitangi, our agreement with the Government. Water is life.
Yes. We have a responsibility to care for and be kaitiaki of te taiao. The current council is making great progress in addressing the impacts of climate change in the region but this is just the beginning. We need to prepare future generations for what is to come.
Yes. Always room to improve. Small, local businesses become regional employers with the support of local government. The more we can generate business through kōrero and connection the better.
I feel more money and resources need to be invested in these beautiful towns. There is a distinct āhua to each part of the NPDC regions and these need to be celebrated and connected. Our unique identity is what makes these places what they are.
Yes, this should be capped or at least for the time being. But it should be designed in a way that allows for the possibility for further investment and development.
The future generation is my top priority. What kind of world are we preparing for them? What kind of voice am I being for the rangatahi? They will be our future environmental warriors, business women, iwi leaders, climate-conscious dairy farmers, and small business owners.