My principal place of residence is in the Waitara Community Board area.
Having lived in Waitara for 52 years, I think we have a fantastic little town that is growing all the time. I am proud to be a part of the Waitara Community.
I am seeking a third term as a Community board member so that I can continue to contribute to the wellbeing and success of our local people.
The Community orchard at the end of Nelson St has expanded and is fully up and running now. This is a project that I am closely involved with and I am proud to have played a key role in creating this special Community resource. I also organise the annual Take A Kid Fishing Day when the Community come together for a great day out.
Families and communities mean the world to me and I will always to my very best for our town.
My reasons are simple as land values have doubled and in some cases tripled rates will increase automatically and council has filed to fix curb and channeling footpaths street lighting has not for filled any promises to a community that pays high rates and has nothing to show for it.
I have been paying my rates here for 48 years and we should keep our assets and this hair brain scheme will be worse for a community already suffering from council neglect.
No man has ever been able to control the weather climate change is a natural cleaning of the earth as the old people taught me about the wind currents and watch the trees as they tell us what's coming and so far its true in nineteen 34 temperatures were at there highest and 1954 the second highest its the biggest scan on the earth to sell electric cards and the battery is the next big pollution we will have to face lithium wake up world.
Hell no you can't even give us what is a right as rate payers curb and channeling lighting what they should be doing.
Yes Waitara community board has been working hard with Maori hapu making sure we have the right hapu and te atiawa at our meetings I have been firm on this as it is a great way of learning the real history of Waitara and making sure that everything is done correctly especially in culturally sensitive and taps areas.
Start listening as it has fallen on deaf ears and staff at council do what they wants nothing has changed in 40 odd years they need to do what rate payers need not the other way round council is operating back wards at this present time this will come crashing down around your ears as cost get out of control.
You won't get my support on that as every time we try and achieve good work like our sports hub council has down sized the project and not financially supported Waitara in this region.
Curb and channeling lighting drainage and no more half pie jobs as this has been in the past slippery tiles that were taken out of np and installed in Waitara does this tell you something upgrade our play equipment at marine part and start the walkway project and marine park upgrades have been waiting since you took over waitara borough council.