Play a defining role in the future of New Plymouth district. Have a say on how to make New Plymouth even better place to live. Make decisions on shaping our future and be a voice for your community.
In 2022, New Plymouth district will elect:
You can stand for multiple positions. If you’re elected to more than one position the priority of appointment is Mayor, Councillor and then Community Board member.
You cannot stand for more than one ward or for both an ‘at-large’ councillor position and a ward councillor position.
You also cannot stand for both the New Plymouth District Council and the Taranaki Regional Council.
To be eligible to stand for election, candidates must be:
You will need to have two electors registered in the area of the election you are standing for to nominate you – e.g. if you stand for the Kōhanga Moa General Ward, the nominators will need to be two electors enrolled on the General Parliamentary Electoral Roll. (Note you do not need to reside in the area in which you are standing but you need to disclose that fact in your candidate profile statement).
The nominators must also be on the Parliamentary Electoral Roll at the address they are listed on the nomination paper (which must be in the area that they are nominating the person for).
Each nomination must be made on the appropriate official nomination paper. A separate nomination paper is required for each position and these will be available from 15 July 2022 from:
Completed nomination papers can be lodged at New Plymouth District Council Civic Centre, 84 Liardet Street, New Plymouth
or posted to:
The Electoral Officer
New Plymouth District Council
C/- Independent Election Services Ltd
PO Box 5135
Victoria Street West
Auckland 1142
in time to be received no later than noon, Friday 12 August 2022.
All nomination material:
is required to be lodged together.
You may provide a candidate profile statement when you lodge your nomination. This is a statement of up to 150 words containing information about yourself and your policies and intentions if elected to office. The profile statement will be included in the voting packs that all electors receive, as well as being placed on our website.
Your candidate statement can be submitted in Māori and English, but the information contained in each language must be substantially consistent with the information contained in the other language. Each language has to be within a 150-word limit. Your profile statement must be true and accurate. The electoral officer is not required to verify or investigate any information included in your statement.
Your profile can include a recent passport size colour photograph.
In addition, your candidate profile statement must state whether or not your principal place of residence is in the area you are seeking election, e.g., ‘My principal place of residence is in the Kōhanga Moa General Ward’, or ‘My principal place of residence is not in the Kōhanga Moa General Ward’. This is not part of the 150-word limit.
See section 61 of the Local Electoral Act 2001 for more information.
More information about the candidate profile statement and photograph can be found in the Candidate Information Booklet.