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Enrol to vote

To vote in the local government elections you must be enrolled by Friday 12 August 2022.

How do I enrol?

You can enrol if you:

  • are 18 years or older,
  • are a New Zealand citizen or a permanent resident,
  • have lived in New Zealand, continuously, at any time for one year or more, and
  • have lived at your current address for a month or more.

You can choose to be on the General Roll or the Māori Roll.

Check, update, or enrol

How do I vote?

In New Zealand, all local body elections are held by postal vote. Once you enrol you can expect to get your voting packs in the mail between Friday 16 September 2022 and Wednesday 21 September 2022. The voting period is three weeks (Friday 16 September 2022 to noon Saturday 8 October 2022).

Post your completed voting documents back to the electoral officer using the orange pre-paid envelope sent with your voting document, or visit a polling place. If you are posting your voting documents back, it is recommended these be posted by 5pm Tuesday 4 October 2022 to guarantee delivery before voting closes.

To be counted, all completed voting documents must be in the hands of the electoral officer or an electoral official by noon Saturday 8 October 2022.

How do I know the results?

Progress results will be announced in the afternoon of 8 October. Preliminary results will be known on Sunday 9 October 2022, and final results will be known on Thursday 13 October 2022.

All results will be on our website.

Out of district?

You may also be eligible to vote if you live outside of the New Plymouth district but pay rates on a property in the New Plymouth district. 

Non-resident ratepayer flyer 2022

Enrolment form for ratepayer electors