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Construction waste

Great steps are being taken to reduce waste on the many construction and renovation projects in our region. As well as leadership from within the building sector, client and government expectations for reducing waste are also growing. 

Despite these expectations and increased costs and shortages of many building materials, construction and demolition materials make up roughly half of New Zealand’s total landfill waste, and 80 per cent of waste going to clean fill. On average, a new home can generate four tonnes of waste. 

This is costly for construction companies and clients, as well as placing strain on the environment and resource supplies.

However with good planning, careful waste management and education, waste can be dramatically reduced from building projects. 

Bins in a line

Why reduce construction waste?

Reducing construction waste can bring a wide range of benefits for construction companies: 

Save money

  • save on waste disposal costs (particularly as landfill costs rise annually from July 2021)
  • make money from selling usable materials or fixtures, or recycling scrap metal
  • reduce your costs in needing to buy less new materials for upcoming projects
  • reduce costs for purchase and transport of wasted materials
  • avoid possible non-compliance costs and delays. 

Win work

  • win contracts for projects that specify waste reduction requirements, or attract clients who want to 'do the right thing'
  • improve client satisfaction and your company image, and encourage repeat business
  • help attract and retain employees.

To learn more on the benefits of reducing construction waste, and how to implement changes, download our guide below.

Construction Waste Reduction Plan: A guide
Timber waste

A new requirement for commercial building projects

From August 2021, anyone applying for a building consent for non-residential building work with an estimated value of $500,000 or higher must submit a Construction Waste Reduction Plan to NPDC for approval. 

New depot to reduce commercial waste 

In 2022 NPDC will build The Sorting Depot, a commercial waste sorting facility on Colson Road in New Plymouth. 

This facility will sort usable, recyclable and compostable building materials from mixed skips. It will help keep valuable materials out of landfill, and save money compared to disposing of materials to landfill. 

Find out more

Signs for separating construction materials on site

The following signs can be used on construction sites to separate materials so they can be reused, recycled, composted or chipped by different providers.