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Proposed revocation of Bylaw Part 4 Brothels and Commercial Sex Premises

Status:  Closed

Submissions closed: 5pm Tuesday 14 December 2021

NPDC is seeking submissions on the proposal to revoke the NPDC Bylaw 2008: Part 4 Brothels (Location and Signage) and Commercial Sex Premises (Signage). Under the proposal there would be no specific regulation controlling brothels (location and signage) or commercial sex premises (signage). While no specific provisions would apply following revocation of the current bylaw alternative regulatory considerations would still take place through the New Plymouth District Plan; NPDC Bylaw 2008: Part 5 Public Places; the Films, Videos and Publications Classification Act 1993; and the Advertising Standards Code of Practice.

Statement of Proposal


For information on the report to the Strategy and Operations Committee on the review of the bylaw please see agenda item 2 here.

The committee resolved to consult on revoking the bylaw as specified in the Statement of Proposal